SIX whole weeks of prolonged disappearance.. isn't that a kind of sabbatical in this part of the world ?? Apologies for the rude silence on blogosphere but I was moving house yet again to my own chagrin and it took all this time to get my broadband up and running. it possible for people to change their personality in an overnight kind of fashion OR is my new apartment possessed ?? It will have my friends in splits, not to ignore their guffaws upon hearing my confession of having turned a cleanliness freak ! Polishing door knobs, wiping every drop off a sparkling sink, brushing the window sills, cleaning the shower every other day, hoover carpet daily NOT to leave out the special spray used on those mirrors every week making them shine like a fairytale one which might one day announce 'You are the fairest in the land'.. aren't these actually the kind of thing Monica Geller goes about doing as her very nature ?? When did such a gene take control of my consciousness to transform my other self ! Could it be true am mutating possibly since the only thing permanent in this world is change ?? Ah, Robin Cook is not the only one to strike a sci-fi plot I s'pose.. ;) !
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